Thursday, April 18, 2013

More Little Guys....

.... why?  Why not!...  (and if you're just joining in, this should help explain what these photos are all about)

He totally digs this coffee, so you probably will too...

He's reminiscent of the Little Guy on the box of Quisp cereal, it might just be the propellor head, not sure... this giant ship building is the sales office for a yet to be constructed residential complex on the East side of town.

Directly across the street from the sales office is this billboard... man are you gonna have fun if you buy a place in this complex... well, I wouldn't cause clearly you cannot bicycle if you live there...

As these photos illustrate, the Little Guy often has a helmet, and cape, and occasionally even a rocket pack... this is a Changhua City sign listing local bike paths... Good to know that Changhua City has their own Little Guy...

A fine whine....

Here's an advertisement for a locally produced wine that caught my eye on a ride and I thought it would be cool to share.  The wine, however, is not cool -  I’ve had some (long story involving stop on bike ride outside a shop/restaurant and a guy smoking cigarettes, chewing betelnuts and drinking this wine, which by itself is a whole other post for another time)....  

Back to the wine, it’s kinda like grape juice with hints of Sterno or something...  But this billboard has an angle that I’ve never seen elsewhere in a wine ad, apparently touting their adherence to the ISO 22000 standard, which as best I can tell, is a ‘thing‘ here in Asia...Many ads tout various ISO certifications... not that there aren’t ads in the US or elsewhere that do, but outside of Asia it seems they’re generally confined to trade mags or more specific, narrowly drawn ads.  Taiwan, China and Thailand all have many signs and ads touting compliance with one ISO standard or another across all kinds of products/services.   

As for the wine, if this catches on, I can imagine a future review in Wine Spectator   “It’s got a wonderful bouquet, great legs, and hints of strawberry, kumquat, old shoe leather and Sterno with a delightfully piquant ISO 22000 finish”... but seriously, why do wine reviews never mention grapes amongst the various fruit tastes in a wine?  Just wondering.
